If you’ve recently had unprotected sex or think your birth control may have failed, pregnancy is a natural concern you might have. There can be a lot of anxiety surrounding the “what-ifs” of the situation, so taking time to understand the initial symptoms can relieve some of this stress.
We will explore the common early signs that might prompt you to take a pregnancy test, helping you recognize the subtle changes your body may be experiencing. From missed periods to unusual fatigue, we’ll cover the key indicators to look out for.
Early Pregnancy Signs
It’s essential to recognize that these symptoms can differ for women, as every woman may have a unique pregnancy. Some may have all or even none of the signs described here. However, as the Mayo Clinic explains, there is a general thread of shared experiences.
Missed Period
The biggest sign that you might be pregnant is a missed period. If your period is a week or more late, you might be pregnant. But if your periods are irregular, this can be confusing.
“Morning Sickness”
What’s often called “morning sickness” can occur at any time, day or night. Feeling nauseous with our without vomiting usually happens 1-2 months into pregnancy. The cause isn’t clear, but it is likely due to pregnancy hormones.
Tender, Swollen Breasts
Early in pregnancy, hormonal changes and increased blood flow might make your breasts sore, heavy, tingly, or sensitive. This discomfort will likely decrease after a few weeks as your body adjusts to the changes.
Feeling Tired
Are you feeling unusually more tired than before? Fatigue is another common symptom of pregnancy. This is possibly due to the increase in the hormone progesterone in your body.
Frequent Urination
If you find yourself making more trips to the bathroom than normal, this could be an indicator of pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body makes more blood, which makes your kidneys process extra fluid that ends up in your bladder.
Other Signs
You might notice other signs such as moodiness, bloating, light spotting, cramping, constipation, food aversions, or nasal congestion. Again, many of these are due to the hormonal shifts your body is experiencing.
What To Do
You don’t have to wait for the onset of these symptoms to discover if you’re pregnant. Most pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy one day after a missed period.
You can get free, lab-quality pregnancy testing that’s highly accurate at Hope House Women’s Clinic.
Contact us to make a free and confidential appointment today.